Realistic Lace Tattoo – Ink up Yourself The Way You Want

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By John James

Lace tattoos are characterized by their meshed or net-like appearance. Adorning something beautiful to look at and easy to mingle with dress or other elements is the easiest way to style up oneself for any event or occasion. Realistic lace tattoos offer amazing option to do so. These tattoos can be very simple or quite elaborate enough to cover the whole of the back or the shoulder. Here are certain lace tattoo ideas that have made them a styling element with unmatched appeal.

Lace tattoo in stocking design: Use prolifically the red color in this lace tattoo and let it cover the thigh exactly the way the top of stocking does. This stylish tattoo is amazing addition to a short dress and looks exceptionally eye-catching.

Lace Tattoo in Stocking Design


Combination of jewelry and lace: Get a jewelry and lace combo inked on the back of the palm like a bracelet with extension or you can adorn the back of your neck in an elaborate design made using a jewelry piece and lace. You will love the idea of going backless with this tattoo design.

Combination of Jewelry and Lace


Lace tattoo as a neckline: How about adorning lace tattoos as neckline enhancement? Well, you can make a stylish boundary covering your collar bone and make your look extra sexy with an off-shoulder top or evening dress on. For all the advocates of beauty and style, the neckline tattoo is a total delight.

Lace Tattoo as a Neckline


Bow-shaped lace tattoo: Perfect for shoulder and chest, you can use bow-style lace tattoo design that looks amazingly realistic when seen from a distance. Have your formal look a startling appeal with bow-shaped tattoo that can be made more mesmerizing by combining the bow with rose or a tie.

Bow-Shaped Lace Tattoo

Interesting ways of adorning lace tattoos are certainly worth trying when you need to be your best in the game of styling. Be that class-apart beauty by picking the realistic lace tattoo that goes well with your personality.

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