Thrones & Needles: Tattooing the Game of Thrones Universe

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By Akshita

Let’s see how much of a Game of Thrones fan you are. You know the names of every house and every character, and you could draw a map of Westeros with your eyes closed. But have you already had something essential from the drama tattooed on your body that you can always keep? Indeed it has entered your thoughts, and we provide you with the most incredible Instagram ideas to inspire you, whether you are a Northern King or a Mother of Dragons.

1. Not Today

Arya Stark, is one of the most loved characters in the series, is a popular source of tattoo inspiration. Among the many memorable lines from the show, Arya’s “Not Today” from Season 8, a lesson learned from her instructor Syrio Forel, is a fan favorite for those who want to immortalize her perseverance and drive in ink. Try getting this tattoo on your wrist for the best results.

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2. Direwolf  Tattoo

Game of Thrones tattoos are inspired by the Direwolf, a prominent beast in the series known for its intense devotion and tenacity. A complex black ink portrayal of these wolves makes for a dramatic tattoo choice that will appeal to both series fans and animal enthusiasts.

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3. Dragon Game of Thrones Tattoo

Dragons, the fearsome monsters that dominate the Game of Thrones realm, make for magnificent tattoo designs. These legendary monsters, a key feature of the series, always manage to grab attention, whether depicted as large sleeve tattoos or smaller motifs.

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4. Emilia Clarke’s Dragon Tattoo

Fans have been captivated by Emilia Clarke’s portrayal of Daenerys Targaryen, also known as the dragon-tamer. Fans seeking to honor Clarke’s prominent role or pondering cover-up tattoos with a Game of Thrones theme should consider getting a tattoo of her character.

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5. Valar Morghulis

If you want a more subtle Game of Thrones tattoo, the phrase “Valar Morghulis” could be a good option. This phrase, which translates to “All Men Must Die,” is the title of the season two finale and bears enormous thematic weight within the series. It’s a subtle but effective allusion to the narrative’s more sophisticated principles.

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6. Fire and Blood Tattoo

Not just the series but also the novels have tattoo-inspiring aspects. The title of one of the books, “Fire and Blood,” provides a striking black ink pattern that mimics the book cover. This tattoo appeals to both series fans and anyone who like tattoo art.

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7. Daenerys and Dragon-Inspired Tattoo

A lesser dragon tattoo inspired by Daenerys’ companions can be an amazing alternative if you prefer less complicated patterns. This essential and understated design is ideal for first-time tattoo patients and is sure to go viral on social media.

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8. Winter Is Coming

“Winter is Coming,” the well-known catchphrase from Game of Thrones, is an excellent design for a vivid tattoo. This piece of artwork perfectly captures the series’ fundamental idea. With its outstanding visual appeal, it will likely fascinate you and everyone around you.

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9. House Targaryen sigil

The three-headed dragon that serves as the symbol of the House Targaryen represents the powerful legacy that the family has left behind.

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10. White Walker

White Walkers are the ghostly manifestation of the Night King and serve as a spooky reminder of the upcoming winter season.

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11. Iron Throne

The throne was made of iron, The quintessentially representative emblem of power, ambition, and the relentless quest for the crown.

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Source: Daily Mail

12. Dragon Eggs

The mysterious and potent dragon eggs, which carry unfathomable potential and will determine the course of one’s life.

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13. “Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder.”

The popular quote “Chaos is not a bottomless abyss. A remark by Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) says, “Chaos is a ladder”: The astute comments of Littlefinger embody the character of authority.

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14. The Hound’s helm tattoo

The dreadful Hound’s helmet symbolizes unbridled power and being redeemed by one’s actions.

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15. 3 Eyed Raven tattoo

The Three-Eyed Raven is the watcher over the past, the present, and the future.

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16. House Lannister sigil

The great lion is the sigil of the House of Lannister, and it is said to represent wealth, pride, and crafty desire.

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17. House Stark sigi tattoo

The dire wolf, the house insignia of the Stark family, is a magnificent creature that represents steadfastness and strength in the face of hardship.

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18. House Tyrell sigil tattoo

The rose, which is both delicate and tenacious, is the symbol of the House Tyrell and is representative of the reach and influence of that house.

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19. House Baratheon sigil

House Baratheon’s insignia is a stag, and it depicts a noble animal that embodies the qualities of strength and perseverance at the core of the Baratheon family.

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20. House Greyjoy sigil tattoo

The ferocious Kraken is the House Greyjoy symbol, representing the sea-faring prowess and unyielding will of the Greyjoy family.

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Source: Inkbox

21. House Martell sigil tattoo

The flaming sun and lethal spear are the defining characteristics of the House Martell sigil, which consists of the sun and the spear.

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22. House Tully sigil tattoo

The leaping fish is the House Tully sigil, and it is meant to represent the unwavering resolve and tenacity of the Tully family.

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Source; Inkbox

23. House Mormont sigil tattoo

The mighty bear that embodies the strength and allegiance of House Mormont is the House Mormont sigil, also known as the bear.

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24. The Valyrian steel swords

The legendary swords made of Valyrian steel, such as Ice, Longclaw, and Oathkeeper, have a long and illustrious history filled with acts of courage and significant events.

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25. The Harpy of Meereen Tattoo

The Harpy of Meereen is the statue of a harpy that is located in Slaver’s Bay. This statue represents resistance and the fight for freedom.

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Source; Pintrest

27. Game of Thrones

Just the name, inked on your skin.

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Source: Inkbox

28. House Clegane sigil

The ferocious wolves with three heads that serve as the sigil of the House Clegane represent their unwavering allegiance and cruelty.

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Source: Reddit

29. Dragon Eye

A look into the blazing heart of House Targaryen, incandescent with power and destiny, the Dragon Eye of Fire offers this insight.

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30. “The night is dark and full of terrors” tattoo

Melisandre says, “The night is dark and full of terrors” here. A fearful look or expression that

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Source: Reddit

Thrones & Needles: Tattooing the Game of Thrones Universe Top Beauty Magazines


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