Cosmetic Tattoos: Micro Pigmentation and Importance of Colorimetry

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By Akshita

You may not recognize it by this name, but you have probably heard of Cosmetic Tattoos, micropigmentation, or permanent eyeliner. It is a technique mainly used to highlight a line on the face that we wish to remain in place, adding contrast. The expert adds pigments under the first layer of skin, the outermost, and the desired line is drawn that will remain marked forever using the same type of needles and technique as a typical tattoo.

The most common instances of these tattoos that make many of us chuckle are the shape of the lips, the line of the eyes, or the brows. The most common instances of these tattoos that make many of us chuckle are the shape of the lips, the line of the eyes, or the brows. Those who have had it done are virtually always pleased and report to have tolerated the procedure extremely well. Keep in mind that this is not achievable in a single session: there will be more than one. The value of being able to change these facial lines goes beyond simply outlining them in bold.

What exactly is micro pigmentation?

Micro pigmentation is a branch of traditional cosmetology and tattooing often used for aesthetic goals, such as correcting and beautifying specific features or areas of the face with which you are dissatisfied. The goal is to accentuate the natural color of the skin, which may have been damaged for whatever reason or just because it is wanted. They are also commonly used to fill up scarred regions, making the wound less visible to the naked eye.

Micro pigmentation vs. Traditional Tattoo

Both appear to be about the same issue at first glance. However, this is not the case. Because of their application, the locations in which they work, their intended objectives, and the types of machinery utilized, they become two entirely different branches but with certain similarities.

Micro pigmentation

  • The ink is in the basal layer, placed between the outermost (epidermis) and deepest intermediate (dermis) layers. You must train your hand correctly to avoid exceeding limitations.
  • As a result, the duration is roughly one and a half to two years. It is a reversible and brief treatment.
  • Inks of several sorts.
  • The inks utilized have smaller particles, are made from alcohol oil, and are hypoallergenic.
  • Demographers will be used for application.


  • The ink is injected in the dermis, which corresponds to a deeper layer, through the skin.
  • They are permanent and irreversible, lasting a lifetime. Although they can be removed using various methods, the goal is to indefinitely maintain them on the skin.
  • Tattooing machines are used for this application. The difference between them is the type of power, the motor they use, the intensities and needles or cartridges they employ, and their weight and malleability.

As you can see, they appear to be the same, but they are not.

Cosmetic Tattoos: Micro Pigmentation and Importance of Colorimetry Top Beauty Magazines
Source: Neutral Bay Dermatelogy

What materials are used to create cosmetic tattoos?


The treatment involves injecting micro pigments into the skin using a machine called a demographic, an electrical instrument with a needle or numerous needles inside. It usually has a backflow prevention mechanism that keeps bodily fluids like blood and sweat from entering the machine’s body. It also inhibits pigments from entering. These machines are not the same as the ones we’re used to seeing for tattoos; instead, they’re developed explicitly for this purpose.


Some information regarding traditional demographics that may be relevant when selecting them is that they tend to overheat rapidly, which is why some beauticians prefer to have more than one available to work in peace. However, if you only want it for exceptional events, you should have no serious issues. Then there are digital demographics, which come in various brands with varying functions and capabilities. The Amiea brand is the most recommended because it does not overheat and does not provide a risk of cross-contamination, as some traditional types do. Another significant benefit of this brand is its precision. Detail is vital for this type of work; we cannot put everything in the hands of a machine that has too much movement and does not allow us to operate under pressure. Because these machines use cartridges, you must ensure that you can provide yourself with needles for any of them.

As a result, we advise you to be cautious before proceeding with your purchase and to select suppliers who can give you what you require. The rotary equipment we are familiar with can also be used for micropigmentation. The only difference is that it is a little louder and heavier than the others. It is a matter of adapting to the working style provided by one or the other. The cartridges are easier to buy, and these machines are suitable for doing brows. It is critical to use cartridge machines because, as with the earliest demographers, they might suck pigmentation and become unusable.

Most common locations

This treatment is more commonly used on the face since it provides a more natural and respectful technique with the body.

Eyebrows: We’ll stop here because the process employed for the brows is unique and known as microblading. Microblading is intended to repopulate a region without hair, hair by hair. The pigments are pushed into the skin using a needle blade. This technique is unique in that it is entirely manual, requiring no special or electrical machines. Instead, little scratches are formed on the skin using the needle to introduce the ink.

Cosmetic Tattoos: Micro Pigmentation and Importance of Colorimetry Top Beauty Magazines
Source: I. D Artsy

Lips: The micropigmentation procedure can change the thickness and color of the lips, increasing their figure and redrawing it as needed. This will be more or less obvious depending on the client’s needs, but in general, if done effectively, it looks virtually natural.

Cosmetic Tattoos: Micro Pigmentation and Importance of Colorimetry Top Beauty Magazines
Source: Cosmetic Tattoo victoria

Eyelids: Many people have lower-toned eyelids than they would like, and micropigmentation is a solution since light pigments can be used to highlight them. Alternatively, you may want to add depth that isn’t naturally present, and darker pigments might help. Some people wear full or partial eyeliner to avoid having to wear makeup all the time. You can also use delicate, nearly undetectable eyeliner to accentuate your eyes and overall appearance.

Cosmetic Tattoos: Micro Pigmentation and Importance of Colorimetry Top Beauty Magazines
Source: Byrdie

Colorimetry’s Importance

This may seem simple, but understanding color formation is required to perform this method since you must know and comprehend your client’s skin and how the ink will remain on them. We could create a separate section to develop all of the color theory, but we will focus on the most specific.

  • To begin, you must understand the difference between cool and warm tones.
  • To build your colors in a unique style, you must work with these criteria to achieve the required hue.
  • To build the best tone for you, start with the primary colors. You may buy the inks already made. But we propose that you investigate and test your colors so that you can better understand how each one acts and master this technique. Remember that each client’s skin tone and type is unique. As a result, buying manufactured colored inks may or may not work for you. You will not, however, be able to combine any ink from any brand. To do so, you should consult your provider or contact the brands for more information. Continue to educate yourself!


Primary colors can be mixed together to create the following:

  • Secondary colors are those created by combining two primary colors.
  • Colors that complement each other: according to the chromatic circle. Each tone relates to its opposite or complementary, which also adds up between chilly and warm. Red and green, for example, blue and orange, yellow and violet.
  • Tertiary colors are easily created by mixing a primary and a secondary color.

Is this a cosmetics solution?

Everything is dependent on the intended purpose. Micro pigmentation is mainly used to give features a natural finish and to accentuate or reinforce certain areas. On the other hand, traditional tattoos, whose peculiarities we have already established, can also be done as permanent cosmetics. But their finishes are vastly different. If you wish to try this technique, we recommend doing further research and remembering that it is not the same as getting a traditional tattoo. Things like the equipment, the technique used, and the type of inks are all very different. So find out, go to a beauty center specializing in this, and encourage yourself to practice.

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