15 Trending Butterfly Tattoo Design Ideas for Females

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By emma yardley

We relate butterflies to femininity. Butterfly tattoos are also more common in females. Most females have a butterfly tattoo on their body to show off their love for tattoos. Butterflies are delicate insects which are elegant and symbol of beauty, love, and affection. They can be combined with a lot of other things like flowers, letters, and colours to tell important messages.

The colourful insects show human transformation. They show that a person is soft-minded and elegant. You have to find what type of shape, size, and colour you want.

Here are some of the latest tattoo design ideas that will help you in making the choice-

#1. Blue Butterfly

Sometimes colours in a tattoo signify a lot of things. It could signify your favourite colour. This tattoo shows a butterfly coloured in cobalt blue colour. It is better to have a coloured tattoo than having normal black and white tattoos. You can have it anywhere on the arms, neck and shoulder region.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#2. Splash of colours

If you are a really colourful person then you can have this tattoo. This tattoo depicts a simple butterfly image with colours splashed all over and around it. There is no other way of telling that you love colours and are a happy and cheerful person.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#3. Colourful flowers on Wings

If you really like flowers then it is the ideal one for the females. Both the things flowers and butterflies are related to the females. In the tattoo, one of the wings is made from flowers that look very unique in design.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#4. Simple Butterfly Tattoo

If you are looking for a simple butterfly tattoo then you should go for a tattoo shown in the image. The position of the tattoo can be on the wrist or on the upper arms are on the shoulder region. The deep black edges on the edges of the wings give it a sharp look.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#5. Butterfly and the Diamond

If you really like diamonds and butterflies then this tattoo is the one you should definitely have. The diamond shape behind the butterfly looks as if it is enclosing the butterfly inside it. It looks great behind the beck as well.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#6. Tiny Cuties

This tattoo is a small, cute and beautiful looking tattoo. The bright blue colour makes it distinctly visible. It looks good on young women. The varying postures of the butterfly are also good-looking. The tattoo has been made on the ideal location.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#7. Elegant and Stunning

This is an elegant and stunning tattoo. It looks amazing also due to the light blue colour along with deep black outlines. The artistic curvy lines of the tattoo look really nice as well. The place of the tattoo is also ideal on the back of your shoulders.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#8. Cool Butterfly tattoo

When you look at this tattoo the message on one of its wings immediately draws one’s attention. Have this type of a tattoo if you want to show off what type of a person you are and what your thinking is like. It should be placed in such a place where it is visible as the one in the image.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#9. Butterflies and the Flower

This tattoo is also very beautiful and has a personal touch to it. The beautifully coloured flower looks amazing and almost real. The two small butterflies around it could signify you and your best friend or spouse. The tattoo is also suitably placed on the upper arms.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#10. Butterfly with Flower Wings

This is similar to the 3rd tattoo on the list. It is a basic version which is done with just black ink. But it nevertheless looks really beautiful and unique in design. If you love flowers and then you can have this tattoo for yourself.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#11. Butterfly on the Thigh

Thighs are one of the rare places to have tattoos. If you want to have a simple tattoo of a butterfly on your thigh then you can have this tattoo. It gives a real sexy look to the women’s thighs.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#12. Crafted Wings Butterfly

Rather than going for a simple butterfly you can go for some personal touch. In this tattoo, the butterfly wings have been uniquely designed to make it look amazing. The design of the wings is very beautiful. You can have this tattoo anywhere in the arms or the neck.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#13. Male and Female Butterfly

If you are married or have a boyfriend then there is no better way to show off that you love your partner than having a set of tattoos on each arm one male another female. The male is the one which is smaller in size.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#14. Artistic Wings

If you have a really fine sense about tattoos you can have a uniquely designed tattoo like the one shown in the image. The wings of the butterfly are uniquely designed and have been crafted very beautifully. The wings highlight the shape of a lotus.

Butterfly Tattoo Design


#15. An Artistic Butterfly

This is a unique tattoo with bright-coloured wings and eyes which are shut on the top wings. There is an eye above the butterfly. It gives a real artistic touch to the image.

Butterfly Tattoo Design

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