Eye Catching Arrow Tattoo Design Ideas for Resilient People – 2023 Update

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By Bailey Walker

Arrow is a strong reminder of tribal life, a life that our ancestors lived in the past. It indicates direction. It also finds place in the scribbles that we find in ancient caves. The arrow tattoo, therefore, means differently to people belonging to various cultures. When combined with golden fire, it means cupid’s arrow and so the arrow tattoo design ideas carrying this symbol are picked by those who want to show they are in a relationship. It is also used by the people who want to show how determined they are about their goals.

The arrow tattoo is easy to make, and can be as small as suitable for carrying on fingers. It can be a part of abstract design that can cover the whole of the arm too. Arrow tattoo inked in pair facing opposite directions means one is open for exchange of thoughts and ideas. Other interesting ideas centering arrow designs are rose and arrow design, geometrical figures and arrow design, and so on. The arrow tattoo has deeper meaning and stands for courage and determination. So, flaunt it when you know your path and the destination, too, and know how to reach there as well. It looks great on arms, fingers, legs, chest and neck.

1. Simple Arrow Tattoo Design with A Name

If you want to add a person’s name or a location near and dear to your heart, this arrow tattoo is an excellent alternative. The arrow’s centre is changed with a word, giving the simple tattoo a personal touch. The back of the arrow is shaded in black, akin to a feather. You can also play with colours if you want.

Simple Arrow Tattoo Design with A Name
Image Source: Pintrest

2. Simple Arrow With A Heart Tattoo

Arrow tattoos don’t have to look out of place or take up too much space; here is an excellent illustration of one. The beautiful tiny hand-drawn arrow has a little heart in the centre, adding a personal touch to the design. The uniqueness of this design is that it may be done by anyone, regardless of gender.

2. Simple Arrow With A Heart Tattoo
Image Source: Tattoofilter

3. A Compass Arrow Tattoo

This is another one-of-a-kind tattoo arrow design in which the compass directions signify the past, present, future, and endless possibilities. This tattoo aids with navigation and represents the guiding of their true north. This intricate tattoo looks stunning on everybody, regardless of gender.

A Compass Arrow Tattoo
Image Source: Askideas.com

4. Elegant Arrow Tattoo Designs

Sleek tattoos are popular among young adults because they blend in without appearing flashy. These designs are ideal for folks starting into tattoos for the first time and do not want anything too elaborate. This design looks good on anyone, regardless of gender.

Elegant Arrow Tattoo Designs
Image Source: Tatt Mag

5. An Arrow With A Clock Tattoo

A clock tattoo represents the value of living life to the fullest and in the present moment. Including a clock in the centre area of the arrow, tattoo enhances the design even more. In contrast to the simple arrow designs, this one has extra components that make it stand out. Because this pattern is so detailed, the ideal place to engrave it is on the forearm or calf.

An Arrow With A Clock Tattoo
Image Source: www.cofracarmo.com.br

6. Tattoo of an Arrow in Watercolor

Because of their unique finish and additional elegance, water colors have created a niche in the tattoo and body art field. This Arrow tattoo, on the other hand, is mostly done in black ink. Nonetheless, contrasting colored lines at one end of the design highlight the tattoo’s stunning appearance. This tattoo looks best in a small or medium size.

Tattoo of an Arrow in Watercolor
Image Source: Pintrest

7. For Men, Rustic Arrow Tattoos

If you prefer rustic yet uncomplicated tattoo designs, this arrow motif is a good option. Instead, the lines across the tattoo are scattered, creating a one-of-a-kind pattern. If you want a change of pace, you can have the tattoo in all black or play with colours. These tattoos look best on the forearm, calf, or neck.

For Men, Rustic Arrow Tattoos
Image Source: Pintrest

8. Semicolon Arrow Arm Tattoo

You’ve probably seen a semicolon tattoo because of celebrities or what it represents. This Semicolon Arrow Tattoo is a fantastic way to merge all those associations. The semicolon is in the arrow’s centre, with the words trust and fears printed on either side. This could imply that one can conquer their worries by believing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Semicolon Arrow Arm Tattoo
Image Source: Next Luxury

9. Idea for Three Arrow Tattoos

If you like black ink, these three arrows are for you. This one will look great across your arm or forearm. Its outcome will demonstrate to the world that you are always on the right track. Demonstrate how you can maintain your focus with these three arrows always pointing in the appropriate direction.

Idea for Three Arrow Tattoos
Image Source: Saved Tattoo

10. Tattoo of an arrow and a bow with a moon symbol

If you’re an optimist or don’t like overly flashy graphics, this one is for you. Because not every tattoo artist feels comfortable offering and doing similar ideas, if you’re a playful person, you’ll appreciate this notion. The end outcome will be both flashy and spiritual. Show the world that you appreciate your personal free time and spiritual path if you are guided by the moon.

Tattoo of an arrow and a bow with a moon
Image Source: Tattoogrid.net

11. Idea For A Giant Back Arrow Tattoo With Flowers

Back designs are typically used by athletes and men proud of their bodies. Consider this option if you’re a manly man looking for a change. This centre-half tattoo across your back will demonstrate that you know your good and poor shortcomings. You can display this graphic if you are usually accurate and punctual.

Idea For A Giant Back Arrow Tattoo With Flowers
Image Source: Outsons

12. Believe in Arrow Tattoo

You can go a little more creative and artistic with your tattoo by adding a significant word to it. If you like medium-sized ideas, wear this graphic on your arm. Get the word to believe and draw an arrow in the desired direction. Demonstrate your faith and let the world know where you stand with your choices and the power of belief.

Believe in Arrow Tattoo
Image Source: Saved Tattoo

13. Tattoo of a Delicate and Small Floral Arrow

Delicate women or those who prefer tiny ink will appreciate this one’s genuine beauty. It is a simple and straightforward concept, as well as something strange and supernatural. Your arrow tattoo with the flowers will give you the appearance of a clean soul. If you’re always chasing your self-identity and the truth, express it in a romantic style like this one.


Tattoo of a Delicate and Small Floral Arrow
Image Source: The XO Factor

14. Paired arrows

Paired arrows on fingers is a very interesting tattoo. This tattoo design is simple and easy to get inked. It is one of the finest finger tattoos one can find around. It stands for the readiness for trying new paths or exchange of ideas. This tattoo looks great on both men and women.

Paired arrows

15. Couple arrow tattoo

This one is for all the lovey dovey couples. It is a colorful tattoo where men wear it in blue shade and women in pink. The arrow comes with the bow which is shown in ready state to release the arrow. The aim is also shown in design. Two people having fallen in love can flaunt their feeling by wearing this tattoo on their wrist area.

Couple arrow tattoo

16. Abstract Arrows Tattoo

This tattoo looks great when worn above the elbow. It is a beautiful arm tattoo idea an most suitable for men. It comprises of lots of triangles which can be seen as heads of various arrows. Determination of mind is depicted beautifully in this arrow tattoo design idea.

Abstract Arrows Tattoo

17. Tribal Arrow tattoo

This tattoo looks its best when inked on the base of the small finger of hand. It looks like henna art, when other fingers are also carved in v-shaped design. It makes amazing tattoo idea for females. The tattoo shows your unique personality and ability to stand out in crowd because of it. Read more about tribal tattoos. 

Tribal Arrow tattoo

18. Arrow and heart tattoo for couples

This couple tattoo is really cute. It is meant for man. The man wears the arrow tattoo design and his female partner wears the heart. Thus, it is a beautiful depiction of a love story that happens between two individuals. It is best flaunted in the wrist area. It can also be carved on the back of palms.

Arrow and heart tattoo for couples

19. Lion face with arrow tattoo

A perfect tattoo for men with leadership qualities. The lion face shows your ability to lead and arrow shows the determination to do so. This tattoo is ideal for those born to lead. It looks great on forearm. The other ideal location will be the back or near the shoulder.

Lion face with arrow tattoo

20. Inverted arrow neck tattoo

The inverted arrow tattoo is ideal for neck location. This tattoo suits both men and women. It represents an arrow drawn downwards. When you want to rise from the ashes like phoenix, you can show your determination with this tattoo design idea. This tattoo has distinct tribal look and gets its inspiration from tribal manuscripts.

Inverted arrow neck tattoo

21. Arrow with band

Armband is a unique style tattoo. It features an arrow in two parts. The front and the back are separated by a strip of bands. It represents your determination to keep going despite hurdles  and looks beautiful on forearm near the elbow pit. It is a men’s tattoo and can be worn on calves, thigh or back too.

Abstract arrow tattoo

22. Abstract arrow tattoo

This abstract design tattoo has arrow in the center. It is surrounded by the circles and triangles. These figures can be the representation of present, past and future and arrow shows your journey. This abstract tattoo is ideal for both men and women and looks great on arms and legs, hips, thigh and upper arm too.

Arrow Tattoo Design Ideas

23. Colorful tribal arrow tattoo

This arrow tattoo design makes use of watercolors and can be maintained easily. It is a very colorful tattoo and has an element of abstractness in it too. it is accompanies by circles and lines that show diversity of thoughts. It makes a beautiful arm tattoo and can be inked on the calves too.

Colorful tribal arrow tattoo

24. Angel Numbers Tattoos

This is another interesting couple tattoo representing two angel numbers 1612 and 1640. These numbers stand for positivity, optimism and self-development, and so, make great combination for couples who find growth in each other’s company. It is a beautiful way of saying ‘you complement me’. These tattoos look the best on back side of arms near elbow.

Angel Numbers Tattoos

25. Colorful arrows

This tattoo is beautiful and has distinct feminine appeal. The tip and base of the arrows are made in different designs. It shows widely diversified interests in various fields. It is creative to look and a great delight to eyes. This tattoo for women looks great in the inner side of the arm near the shoulder.

Colorful arrows

26. Dawn of time

The triangle tattoo having landscape within and arrows in different directions on the top feature in this design. This tattoo is ideal for men who are globe-trotters and enjoy the beauty of life. Triangle tattoo stand for mind, body and spirit and arrows show winning over the conflict. The best locations to have this tattoo are arms, back and legs.

Arrow Tattoo Design Ideas

27. Arrow and the bow

The arrow and bow tattoo is feminine in nature. The bow is made in the shape of tiara, representing success and authority. You are a woman of your own mind and love control. This is best depicted with this small tattoo for arm. The tattoo can be a part of series of tattoos covering the arm.

Arrow Tattoo Design Ideas

28. Tribal tattoo for finger

It is a small tattoo for finger. The arrow is placed singly and it is darkened with the help of blue or black ink. Its look is purely tribal. The tattoo represents direction and ability to steer alone through hurdles. It is ideal for men, but looks good on females too.

Arrow Tattoo Design Ideas


Unique Arrow Tattoo Design Ideas


Unique Arrow Tattoo Design Ideas

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